A heritage steeped
in culture and expertise
The history of our company was shaped by a man by the name of Jean ADELHANOFF, who founded our company in 1950, and whose penchant for excellence and innovation continues to permeate our company to this very day.
But, in our particular sector, it is the people who make the real difference.
From the operators to the engineers, the forklift drivers to the directors, each one of them makes it their personal business to perpetuate and further develop the craftsmanship with which our name has become synonymous.
The manner in which our technical, manufacturing and quality-control services are structured is what makes us masters of our craft.
A passionate & driven team
At ADEL, production is part of our DNA and the heart of our business.
Aside from our state-of-the-art plant and technological prowess, our production team has always been key to our success.
To ensure that we can keep rising to any challenge and time and time again exceed your expectations, we have, ever since our inception, sought out and hired people who share our culture and our passion for manufacturing and innovation.
A historic & strategic
We operate from a plant in the Lyon region, where we have no less than 12,000 m2 of production space and a highly diversified range of resources at our disposal, which, in turn, help us to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.
Because supply-chain shipping times, stock levels and transport costs are more important than ever, we have developed a complete range of logistical options to provide you with all the flexibility you need.
Our management team and our sales, engineering, IT, procurement and accounts departments are also based on the same site.